Raleigh GAA Annual General Meeting This Saturday

January 26, 2016

Raleigh GAA will be hosting its Annual General Meeting on January 30th, 2016 at Dos Taquitos Xoco located at 410 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, North Carolina 27603, at 2 pm sharp.

All interested ladies and gentlemen- active players, interested players, club supporters, club sponsors, etc – are invited and highly encouraged to attend. Raleigh Cú Chulainn GAA Football and Hurling Club is YOUR club. Please make an effort to come to this important meeting and make YOUR voice heard. Even if you’ve never played with us, but might be interested in checking Gaelic sports out, this is the meeting for you.

The AGM is a very important meeting for the club, and part of what we will be doing is electing new officers and voting on any proposed motions.

We encourage everyone to consider themselves and others for any position they feel they would want.  It appears that there will be lots of movement in the committee this year and we encourage people to run for a position.

Each year, all GAA clubs must hold an AGM. The AGM is the most important meeting of the year.

The purpose of the AGM is to:

1. Review the work of the previous year.
2. Review Financial statements and auditors reports.
3. Elect officers and executive committee members.
4. Get members views on Club and Association policy.
5. Consider Club policy and revise or endorse.
6. Make submissions through motions on the framing of policy and dealing with the rules of the Association.

This year, there is an exciting initiative to launch a stand-alone YOUTH GAA CLUB for boys and girls in and around the triangle region of North Carolina. The youth are the future of Gaelic sports in America and we have seen outstanding interest in the youth camps we’ve held in the past two years. If you – or your children – are at all interested in being a part of forming and shaping this club, please make every effort to attend this meeting.
