AGM Yields New Slate of Raleigh GAA Officers!

January 25, 2017

A peaceful transfer of power occurred over chips, salsa, and beverages at Dos Taquitos at last Saturday’s AGM. Congratulations to the new slate of club officers listed below! Kudos to the 2016 officers for their service to the club, including an extra special salute to retiring Chairman Enda Wiseman for his leadership.

Name 2017 position
John McNeilly Chairman
Enda Wiseman Vice-Chair
Mia Jafari Secretary
Eddie Foley Treasurer
Hugh Ellard PRO (Public Relations Officer)
Larre Reeves South East board delegate * 2
Sarah Mills Registrar
Ed Quinn Hurling Coordinator / Manager
Steve Shannon Football Coordinator / Manager
Mia Jafari Ladies Coordinator / Manager
Sam Haddad University officer
Larre Reeves TISYA Chairman (Youth Co-ordinator)
Nick Holmes Travel Committee
Dermot McElhennon Fundraising Officer
Chris Cox Fields Committee officer
Zach Lord Equipment Manager
Aoife Burke Social Events Coordinator
Mia Jafari Pub(lic) League Coordinator